Polski Związek Brydża Sportowego


KRS 0000219753, NIP: 525-16-56-918, Organizacja Pożytku Publicznego

konto PZBS: 07 1240 6175 1111 0000 4577 6692

Brawo Polska! - List od John Carruthers

Dear friends,

I have just looked at the PZBS website and discovered that Poland will
not play against any Russians in Salsomaggiore. Very brave. Well done.
Let's hope the WBF also does the right thing.

Russia is still listed as "Russia" on the WBF website and they are
registered for the Venice Cup (Women) and Wuhan Cup (Mixed). Poland is
also registered in both events. Will Poland lead the way in the World
Championships as Scotland did in the Euros?

Please note that if the WBF does nothing and all countries refuse to
play against Russia, Russia will qualify for the KOs in both events and
win all KO matches by disqualification of their opponents. THAT would be
a disaster, although not in the same league as Russia invading Ukraine.

Perhaps the WBF can negotiate with the Russian Bridge Federation for
them to withdraw, as the WBF did with South Africa during apartheid.
Over to you, Gianarrigo. Your superb negotiation skills are needed now
more than ever.

Regards, JC

John Carruthers - wieloletni członek władz IBPA (Międzynarodowego Stowarzyszenia Dziennikarzy Brydżowych) i wydawca comiesięcznego biuletynu.