Polski Związek Brydża Sportowego


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WBF zaprasza na Konferencję BAMSA online.

Online BAMSA Conference: Monday 28 June to Thursday 1 July 2021


It’s less than 2 weeks before the BAMSA Conference starts! 

Click here to download the Conference Agenda 

To register just go to this link: https://bridgemindsport.org/bridging-academia-policy-practice-conference/  then scroll down and click on more information on the coloured squares to access the pre-recordings (available now) and the session programmes: 

As a number of the pre-recordings are already available it is strongly recommended that people watch the ones relevant to the session they are planning to join before attending on the day as the live discussions will build on those.

Here is small “taster” of some of the talks on offer … but there are others, this is just a few that might appeal to you :

·       Martin Seligman (bridge player and US Professor) is world-famous for his work on happiness and positive psychology. For the first time, he will explore the link between bridge and wellbeing in his keynote on Monday 28 June 16.30 (UK BST)

·       What does the future of bridge look like after a global pandemic? Join in discussions about club bridge, digital and in-person tournaments

·       How can bridge be more inclusive? How can we do more to bring together the generations at the bridge table?

·       New approaches to recruiting and teaching new players will be discussed on day 4

·       World Champion Boye Brogeland is known as 'The Sheriff' for his policing of cheats in the bridge world. He will be discussing online cheating with the World Bridge Federation and Steve Weinstein from Bridge Winners blog (where the cheats have been exposed).

Please do sign up to receive BAMSA newsletters as that is the best way to get updates from them ('Subscribe' on the bridgemindsport.org home page)

Anna Gudge
WBF Communications Manager
15 June 2021