Polski Związek Brydża Sportowego


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Zaproszenie na 2nd PCU International University Bridge Trophy


Dear Madam, Dear Sir,
I’m honored to invite your university (college) to the 2nd PCU International University Bridge Trophy from 17 to 19 April 2020 at the University of Antwerp (BELGIUM). A Duplicate Bridge Tournament for 8 teams will be held. 
Participation in the PCU International University Bridge Trophy is  free of charge and ensures a free sports and events program for 8 universities and university colleges worldwide. Teams book their own accommodation and pay directly to the hotel or hostel of their choice.
The main objective is to offer students a platform where sport is considered as a valuable instrument to develop international interaction and experience, with emphasis on the International Olympic Committee recognized Panathlon values of Fair Play and Universal Friendship.
For more information about the 2nd PCU International University Bridge Trophy, please visit the official website www.pcucommittee.com.
Best sportive regards,

Baron F. Van Loon
Honorary Rector University of Antwerp


Information desk 2nd PCU International University Bridge Trophy
University of Antwerp Sports Office
Middelheimlaan 1
B-2020 Antwerp (BELGIUM)
(T) + 32 3 265 37 44
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